One Man’s Tale of Dying—And Then Waking Up

Near-death experiences are extraordinary. The idea of leaving one’s body at the point of death, traveling to a heavenly realm and seeing beloved relatives who have passed is truly a hero’s journey. Which brings us to Dr. Rajiv Parti, former chief of anesthesiology at Bakersfield Heart Hospital. His is...

What happens during a Near-Death Experience?

Have you had a near-death experience? One that involved one or more of these elements? Did you encounter God or a presence you thought might be God? Or, not listed here, did you encounter hell or have a hellish experience? Here is an infographic that tells what happens during...

‘Dali’s Greatest Secret’ – Nov 17


ONE DAY SHOWING! Saturday, November 17, 2012 4pm & 7pm  Sedona, AZ Find out about renowned artist, Salvador Dali, and the his greatest secret;  his Quest for God and redemption and the story behind the painting that changed his life. Writer/Director Paul Perry will be in Sedona to host the exclusive premiere...

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