I’m Paul Perry, bestselling book author and documentary filmmaker, with the goal of making media that matters. What does that mean? Producing media that opens the mind to spiritual and intellectual adventure, for a start.
Here you’ll find books and films about near-death experiences, about artist Salvador Dali and a secret painting that changed his life, interviews and books with Dr. Raymond Moody, the medical doctor who named “the near-death experience.” And, for that matter, you’ll meet Dr. Jeffrey Long and Dr. Rajiv Parti, bestselling authors whose research and observations are currently the most important in the world of near-death studies. You’ll explore the long and mysterious trail of Jesus in Egypt (yes, the one talked about in the Bible) and visit the great treasures of Europe, including sacred relics that can only be accessed by the likes of historian and Vatican relic expert Carlos Evaristo. And, well, who knows where else we’ll go. Come join us!
Featured Book
Proof of Life After Life
By Raymond Moody, MD with Paul Perry.

PROOF OF LIFE AFTER LIFE, the most important book yet written by Dr Raymond Moody and Paul Perry, reveals evidence of the afterlife through their study of shared death experience. Relying on more that fifty years of research, this ground-breaking book answers mankind’s most pressing question: What happens when we die? PROOF OF LIFE AFTER LIFE is available in physical and digital editions through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or your favorite bookstore.
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Paul Perry Productions
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Heaven on Earth Masterclass with Raymond Moody, Paul Perry, and Karen Noe
Unlock $200 savings on your Humanity Stream+ subscription with the brand-new 8-week online masterclass '' by Raymond Moody, Paul Perry, and Karen Noe8 months ago
Shortly after Saved by the Light was published, Dannion Brinkley and I started researching a second book. We didn’t know what it was going to be about until we started talking about events that took place after the story published in the pages of Saved.
What came of those conversations were a host of further adventures.
Now, in a world that is changing fast and furious, we’ve decided to republished this classic.
In At Peace in the Light, Dannion Brinkley continues his unique spiritual exploration into the near-death experiences that left him with an extraordinary sense of perception. Here Brinkley describes, with absolute candor, his struggle to become accustomed to his disorienting psychic ability, and his decision to offer comfort to those dying in hospices.
For the hundreds of thousands who found comfort and understanding in Saved by the Light, here is Dannion Brinkley's message of inspiration, guidance, and the unlimited opportunity for spiritual growth and renewal.
Order At: www.amazon.com/Peace-Light-adventures-reluctant-spiritual/dp/B0CZTPRHKD/ ... See MoreSee Less
8 months ago
Closer to the Light is a culmination of Dr. Morse’s extensive research on children and the existence of the soul.
You can purchase a copy through this link-
www.amazon.com/CLOSER-LIGHT-Learning-Near-Death-Experiences/dp/B0CCCKYP27/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_e... ... See MoreSee Less
9 months ago
1 years ago
@Paul Perry ProductionsEpisode 286:NDE Authors Tells of Paranormal Stories – with NDE authors, Dr. Raymond Moody and Paul Perry
Premieres Thurs., 12/14 at 4 pm Est:
After 50+ years of investigating whether the afterlife exists, New York Times bestselling authors Dr. Raymond Moody and Paul Perry finally have the answers to humanity’s most pressing question in the new groundbreaking book Proof of Life After Life. Combining in-depth case studies, extensive research, and eye-opening interviews, Proof of Life After Life explores everything from shared death and out-of-body experiences to paranormal phenomena, revealing that consciousness survives after the body's death.
#drraymondmoody #paulperry #tamaracaulderrichardson #seekingheavenshow #seekingheavenchannel #NDEAuthorsTellParanormalStories #NDEParanormalStories #NDEstories2023 Seeking Heaven: The Near-Death Experience and Other Phenomena Tamara Richardson Paul Perry Productions Dr. Raymond A. Moody NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE NDE NDE Video NDE BOOKS,STORIES,AUTHORS & FRIENDS Consciousness & Beyond- NDEs and their proof of Life after Death Near-Death TV Near Death Experience Research Foundation Near Death Experiences Out Of Body and Near Death Experiences Hawaiian IANDS Near-Death and Spiritually Transformative ExperiencesNear Death Experience Video Channel Near Death Experiences Near Death Experiences & Testimonies Near Death Experiences Project Consciousness Consciousness Consciousness Continues ... See MoreSee Less