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Afterlife explores the question, What happens when we die? A revealing documentary that stars noted researchers Raymond Moody, MD, PhD; and Jeffrey Long, MD, and features emotionally charged interviews with people who have crossed the threshold of death and returned to tell their story. more…
Dali's Greatest Secret
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Holy Relics & The Afterlife

Holy Relics & the Afterlife
Beyond Belief with George Noory
Featuring Paul Perry
S18:Ep1740 mins
Holy Relics & the Afterlife
It’s the age-old question: what happens when we die? New York Times best-selling author Paul Perry has been researching the after life and near-death experiences for decades. Producing books, films, and documentaries, Perry has teamed with dedicated researchers including Dr. Raymond Moody, Dr. Melvin Morse, and Dannion Brinkley. Sharing insight from years working in the field with experts, Perry discusses holy relics from the Vatican, his knighthood from the Portuguese royal family, following the trail of Jesus in Egypt, near-death experiences, and reincarnation.
The Light Beyond
Dr. Raymond Moody named and defined the near-death experience, created the field of medicine known as “near-death studies,” wrote Life After Life, the mega bestselling book that captured the world’s attention and changed the way we view death and dying, and then reached into realms of the spirit that made him even more of a paranormal pioneer.
And that is only part of Dr. Raymond Moody’s incredible story, one he tells himself in The Light Beyond, a “talkumentary” produced and directed by bestselling author and filmmaker Paul Perry.
“A near-death experience is an episode of transcendent consciousness that takes place when someone almost dies but is revived. It is – without a doubt – a glimpse of eternity.” ~Dr. Raymond Moody
In this compelling film, Moody talks about proof that we survive bodily death, his unique concept of God, and controversial research he has conducted into contacting the dead, even astounding proof that we can share another’s near-death experience. And in amazingly candid conversation, he talks about his own attempted suicide and the near-death experience that followed, an event that revealed to him the true meaning of life.
Join Dr. Moody as he opens his mind to reveal the thoughts and processes that make him the most intriguing of all paranormal researchers.
Visions and Miracles
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Travel with us down the Nile and see with your own eyes the visions of Saint Mary as she mystically appeared over major sites in Cairo and the far desert town of Assiut. Witness the miracle of Samia, a young woman whose cancer was cured by a vision and who emits oil from her hand as proof of the supernatural intervention that saved her life.
Or watch as a beloved bishop dies at the altar on the exact day predicted in a prophetic dream. And then there are the martyrs of Akhmim, mummified remains of thousands of people who still bleed as living symbol of their faith, hundreds of years after being killed by a despotic Roman emperor. This documentary is visual proof of the supernatural.

Also available through Amazon to RENT or BUY.
Visions and Miracles in Modern Day Egypt?
A documentary film providing never-before seen footage of visions and miracles that have taken place in modern day Egypt.
Jesus In Egypt

Discover the Secrets of Christ’s Childhood Years!
The Bible contains but a few verses about the years the Holy Family spent in Egypt – their flight from Herod’s death sentence, the weary journey, and their return to Israel after Herod died. But what happened to Jesus and His parents in this ancient land of myth and magic? How did the sojourn in Egypt change Jesus’ life and influence His teachings?
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In search of answers, bestselling author Paul Perry set out to follow the Holy Family’s mysterious journey himself. In this fascination book, Perry tells the story of his own amazing trek into Egypt, and the deeper story of the miracles and marvels he uncovered along the way. With the help of the Egyptian Christian Pope, the narratives of the apocrypha and with devout guides and temperamental transportation, he ventured to find the places where Jesus had slept, suffered, performed miracles, and engaged in innocent acts of mischief. Part travel adventure, part spiritual journey, part historical detective story, Chasing Jesus recounts a modern-day pilgrimage into an ancient and often baffling land. This extraordinary book unfolds a chapter in the life of Jesus that has been shrouded in mystery and misunderstanding for two thousand years.
Secrets and Mysteries of Christopher Columbus
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Was Christopher Columbus born in Genoa, Italy? Most definately not, say an unlikely collection of experts from European royalty, DNA science, university scholars, even Columbus’s own living family. This ground breaking documentary follows a trail of proof to show he might have been much more than we know.
1 hr 15 min 2018

Also available through Amazon to RENT or BUY.
What do we really know about Christopher Columbus?
The Secret Mummies of Lisbon (Sacred Mummies)

Also available through Amazon to RENT or BUY.
Beneath the Streets of Lisbon – a crypt of mummies!
Join me in the search for the ancient buried treasure beneath the streets of Lisbon.
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The Secret Mummies of Lisbon (Sacred Mummies) – At the request of the Catholic Church in Lisbon, members of the Royal Archeology and Historical Association (RAHA) of Portugal excavate 78 mummies in a crypt beneath the altar of the Sacramento Church in Lisbon. In the course of excavation the researchers find handwritten books indicating there is a large amount of treasure buried – somewhere – near the mummy crypt.